How you can help:
Current projects
Who are the Morys? Where do we live?
Ministry overview & prayer requests
A brief introduction to Bohol Province
Our ministry to children
First church plant: Campamanog
Second church plant: Bogo
Third church plant: Tagbilaran City
Fourth church plant: Sikatuna
Fifth church plant: Dimiao
Sixth church plant: Basiao
Mory kids' page - children in ministry
Our references and addresses for support and donations
What we believe: Statement of Faith
Island Impact Ministry logo by James.com
Our fifth church plant -


Tiney Yecyec
Pastor Tiney and Bebot Yucyuc and their three daughters. From left to right: Geraldine, Tiney, Stephanie, Bebot, and Gepsie. Gepsie currently directs the Charlie's Lunch program in Tagbilaran City.
Dimiao is a small town about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Tagbilaran City on the island of Bohol. This church began in mid-June 1997 with a small group of Christians in Dimiao who were led to the Lord by one of our leadership school students. For the first two months, a group of the students helped plant this church during their "practicum" on Wednesdays and on Sundays.

The church's first official Sunday service was July 20, 1997. In September 1997, we released one of our leadership school students — Orland Painagan — to become the Dimiao team leader. Orland later transferred to the Tagbilaran City church to teach Bible studies and work with our children's education sponsorship program and jail ministry, before planting his own church in Inabanga.

The current pastor for the Dimiao church is Tiney Yecyec (pronounced "TEE-ney YOOK-yook"); Tiney and his wife Bebot ("BEE-bot") are both from Dimiao.


The church now has at least ten families (30 adults, 25 or more kids) each week. They have outgrown the house they were meeting in, so we need to build a hollow-block (cinderblock) building for church services. Having a "proper" or "formal" gathering place shows the people that we are serious in our teachings and our commitment to them. It would also help during the rainy season, when meeting outdoors would be impossible.

We purchased a piece of property (200 square meters) for the building site. We now need funding to obtain lumber and hollow-block to begin constructing the church building.

Prayer requestsPrayer

Please pray for the finances and laborers for the new church building. Pray for Pastor Tiney Yucyuc's financial provision (the church provides all his support), for godly helpers to minister with him, and for the spiritual growth of this church's members.

Island Impact's e-mail address is john@islandimpact.org.
Web-site address: http://www.islandimpact.org
All photos ©John Mory except where noted otherwise.
Web-site design by James.com.