Big vision needs BIG FAITH! Thankfully, He is a generous God! Please join with us in prayer as we trust the Lord for this ministry and these projects. Prayer requests are listed at the bottom of the Ministry Overview page, and also on the web page for each church.
If you also feel led to donate any amount to any of these projects, your help would be a great blessing to the Lord's work in the Philippines, as we work together to advance God's Kingdom. Our mailing address for donations is listed below.
Our current projects —
partners needed |
Our current projects are:
- Projects for the children's home [1] — $70,000 and $7,000
We need $70,000 for a multipurpose facility that will include a dining room, kitchen, pantry, offices, library, computer lab, and recreation room for the children. We also need $7,000 for a second jeepney to transport the kids, as we only have one jeepney and are getting more kids. By mid-2002, we will begin construction of another boys' home on our Lourdes property. More details here.
- Large transportation vehicle for ministry teams — $6,000
At present, we have to rent taxis, sometimes putting six people on one motorcycle taxi. Moving equipment requires the renting of a jeepney; jeepney rentals cost us about $20 each time, so a large transportation vehicle would eliminate that expense.
- Church buildings and property — $1,000 and $3,000
We need $1,000 to purchase lumber and hollow-block (cinderblock) to complete the Dimiao church building. We will need at least $3,000 to construct a permanent building for the Inabanga church; at present, they are meeting in a temporary structure we built for them.
- Community basketball court for outreach purposes — $2,500
The cement court would be built at the ministry's training base in Lourdes. It would be used by the leadership school students, local churches, and people from all different age groups. This would a great way to reach the people in our area by just hanging out with them.
- A rehabilitation program for former teenage prostitutes —
Right now, this project is still in the "prayer" stage. We want to provide a way for women to get out of prostitution, which means providing a place for them to live and training them for new jobs. Please pray for us, that God would direct us in exactly how and when to begin this program.
How to send us
your donations |
For financial donations, please send checks (U.S. currency only) payable to "UPPER ROOM MINISTRIES" to:
John and Juli Mory
5081 Roxborough Drive
Placentia, CA, USA 92870
If you'd like a donation receipt for tax purposes, please tell us. Receipt statements are sent in January for donations above $200 received during the previous calendar year, or upon request.
All donors receive our quarterly newsletter and progress report, so that you may be encouraged knowing how your donations were used.
If you want to mail us non-monetary donations (such as musical instruments, scientific calculators, or children's Bibles), our office land-mail address in the Philippines is:
John and Juli Mory
P.O. Box 154
Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Philippines 6300
Island Impact's e-mail address is john@islandimpact.org.
Web-site address: http://www.islandimpact.org
All photos ©John Mory except where noted otherwise.
Web-site design by James.com.
[1]We want to make a home for these children, not an "orphanage".