How you can help:
Current projects
Who are the Morys? Where do we live?
Ministry overview & prayer requests
A brief introduction to Bohol Province
Our ministry to children
First church plant: Campamanog
Second church plant: Bogo
Third church plant: Tagbilaran City
Fourth church plant: Sikatuna
Fifth church plant: Dimiao
Sixth church plant: Basiao
Mory kids' page - children in ministry
Our references and addresses for support and donations
What we believe: Statement of Faith
Island Impact Ministry logo by James.com
Our second church plant -

The "Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Bogo," located on the other side of Campamanog on President Garcia's Island, is going well. It was founded by Ronnie Tacatani, who also started the Campamanog and Bogo churches. Like the Campamanog church, the members of the Bogo church are all brand-new Christians, many of them former brawlers, drunkards, and NPA officials. Most of the Bogo church members are fishermen.

Currently, the Bogo church is led by Pastor Renato Cutanda and his wife Finina.

The Bogo church has a hollow-block (cinderblock) building about the size of the Campamanog church facility, and just finished constructing an addition to it and making their own repairs. They meet Sunday mornings, with about 100 persons now in attendance. They also have Bible studies during the week. It is an autonomous indigenous church.

Island Impact's e-mail address is john@islandimpact.org.
Web-site address: http://www.islandimpact.org
All photos ©John Mory except where noted otherwise.
Web-site design by James.com.